Tom and Sarah  |  PROPOSAL

‘The Ultimate Christmas Proposal’  –   What a fantastic call to receive in the midst of all the pandemic chaos! Tom called me with this wonderful idea of proposing to his lovely girlfriend Sarah on Christmas Eve morning (a dry but very cold one). He had faced so many hurdles, with restrictions and venues closing, but he continued on his quest. Popping the question not only at the amazing Hawkstone Hall but also coming up with several plans so she didn’t guess, all of this on her Birthday and days before their planned trip to Cuba (of which the dog’s ate the visas the day before). As they drove down the (what felt like very long) drive, myself and the staff at Hawkstone held our breathe trying to keep those impressive entrance steps clear. Sarah jumped out of the car as Tom desperately tried to find the ring box which he’d dropped in the car! I had stopped her, claiming I was doing Photo’s for the hotel. In a blink of an eye Tom was on his knee, asking that all important question. A complete success and surprise, and with no hesitation we heard those magical words ‘I do’ .